ADAM:Well we don't know exactly where the queen is because she might move around a little ... can't see the queen on Planet Ant as she's hidden deep inside the nest but I can show the young ...
ADAM:'The queen ant is the only ant ... of minutes and we've got ants moving along these bridges. They're really, really good at finding new places finding nests and finding food.
Their mother, the queen, roams around the nest while laying 1,500 ... to small chambers where the ants rest, eat, and feed the babies until it's time to move the little ones again.
The queen is found in a tree or log, where she lays her eggs, but the workers carry some of the brood to new locations, or satellite nests ... that carpenter ants will move into your home: ...
since they'll be able to get there faster than the ants who just finished fighting the Fusca. Keep your Workers on Nest Duty; ...