Populus tremuloides, the quaking aspen of the North American continent, stands as one of the most easily recognized, most beautiful and most admired of all tree species. In order to help ...
Quaking aspens store chlorophyll beneath their bark (particularly in younger trees), this is what gives the trunk a greenish cast. This helps them to continue to produce sugars, at least when the days ...
I’m pretty sure this was a quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) or as many of us New Englanders know them, a quaking poplar. A Quaking Aspen tree with green bark in the parking lot at the AMC ...
Pando is an ancient quaking aspen tree (Populus tremuloides) with 47,000 genetically identical stems, or tree trunks, connected to a vast underground root system. Each stem is a clone of the one ...
Pando is the most extensive known clonal colony of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides), originating from a single seedling. Weighing an estimated 6,000 tons—roughly the same as 40 blue whales ...