撰文丨王聪编辑丨王多鱼排版丨水成文血小板高反应性在急性心肌梗死和中风的血栓形成中发挥着重要作用。尽管使用了抗血小板药物,但残余缺血风险依然存在。间歇性禁食(IF)是一种流行的饮食模式,其特点是进食和禁食交替进行,已显示出对心血管健康有益,但其对血小板 ...
A team led by researchers at the University of Toronto has discovered that a compound present in ginger selectively binds to ...
Researchers have found in a recent study that intermittent fasting (IF) diminishes platelet activation and the risk of ...
Through a screen to identify chemical components of ginger that bind to receptors associated with IBD, the team observed a strong interaction between FDN and the pregnane X receptor (PXR).