This includes being respectful and thoughtful about how we use language. The table below shows which forms of a pronoun can be used in the sentences above. Please note: This is not an exhaustive list ...
Pronouns are used to replace a noun or noun phrase, and "personal pronouns" such as she, her, and hers are the ones people will share with others when you first meet. If you are comfortable doing so, ...
These faculty members may use students' name or gender-neutral pronouns. By using students' correct gender pronouns, faculty will be setting an example for students and staff: If they are consistent ...
Indirect object pronouns are often used with verbs followed by à. Here is a list of the most commonly used verbs following this format: ...
Direct object pronouns replace the object of the sentence and are used to talk about something without repeating the whole phrase. For example, ‘I’m eating it’ instead of ‘I’m eating an ...
A relative clause can be introduced by either a relative pronoun or a relative adverb. A relative clause can be restrictive or nonrestrictive (essential or nonessential) Restrictive relative clauses ...