It's often an important part of a primary school day, so what exactly does an assembly involve? Here are some primary school pupils ready to share their experiences. Watch this with your child and ...
Themes: the festival of Rosh Hashanah and the Jewish New Year; being responsible for our actions; asking for forgiveness; aspirations for the future. CHARLIE: The dates of all our festivals come ...
A primary school in Hythe has been praised for its regular singing assemblies ‘sung with gusto’ in a recent ‘good’ report from Ofsted. Waterside Primary School on Ashford Crescent received a grading ...
We're taking you right back to your school days with a list of school assembly hymns that are all still very much classics, after news that a primary school bangers themed brunch is coming to ...
A popular primary school music teacher who has become somewhat of a nostalgic sensation by performing classic primary school assembly hits at the likes of Glastonbury, is heading on a Christmas ...