Amy Alonzo, the Nevada Independent For years, land managers discussed developing a fuel treatment plan for the Beaver Creek ...
To protect the bulk of its precious cargo of needles from ground fire, ponderosa pine trees slough off low-hanging branches as they mature. Still other plants depend on fire in different ways.
A recent study underscores how humanity’s success in extinguishing fires has allowed dead wood and other flammable material to pile up in ecosystems, putting communities at greater risk of ...
Presettlement Conditions of Ponderosa Pine Forests in the American Southwest remains the most comprehensive look at the subject to date. Fire is a natural, vital component of most western forest ...
Ponderosa pine and Douglas fir forest burned in the 1994 Idaho City Complex Fire on the Boise National Forest in Idaho, and little regeneration has occurred since. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert!
Authors of a fire modeling study focused on one of the few remaining old-growth forests in the Lake Tahoe Basin are pointing ...
Giant ponderosa pines — some of the last remaining in the area — share space with at least 13 other tree species. Yet despite its high conservation value and proximity to severely burned forests, the ...
Ancient ponderosa pines that once grew in a open-canopied forest now confront waves of fire-intolerant firs and incense cedars that have taken advantage of a century of fire suppression.
But the arrival of Euro-American and other settlers in the late 19th century brought with it a fear of fire and more than a century of fire exclusion. Most large ponderosa pines at Lake Tahoe were ...
Ray Johnson, fire prevention officer with the U.S. Forest Service, said new white fir trees and Ponderosa pine have grown about 6 to 10 inches tall in previously scorched areas. Aspen trees ...