在多细胞生物的正常发育过程中,RNA 聚合酶 II(Pol II)从启动子近端暂停延伸控制 “检查点” 的物理释放,是数千个基因转录的关键调控步骤。然而,这一关键步骤一旦失调,就可能成为人类癌症发病的 “导火索”。比如在混合谱系白血病(MLL)中,11q23 易位 ...
Focusing on yeast, there are ∼ 20,000 molecules of Pol II in cells of S. cerevisiae 5.Of these, ∼ 60% are hyperphosphorylated on the C-terminal domain and associated with chromatin in a salt ...
The Pre-Initiation Complex (PIC), which consists of Mediator, TFIIA, TFIIB, TFIID, TFIIE, TFIIF, TFIIH, and RNA polymerase II (pol II), governs the expression of all protein-coding and most non-coding ...
The process of transcription elongation by RNA polymerase II (Pol II), in which Pol II travels along DNA and synthesizes RNA from DNA, is essential for proper gene expression in all eukaryotic cells.
Thus, it is RNA pol II that transcribes the messenger RNAs, which serve as the templates for production of protein molecules. The first step in transcription is initiation, when the RNA pol binds ...
Our mission is to elucidate fundamental mechanisms that control the elongation phase of transcription by RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in normal and disease states. We are particularly interested in ...