She also noticed an air of indifference ... Among the five trillion bits of plastic floating around the ocean are weird curlicues like these—shavings from various fabrication or drilling ...
The protective cells accumulated microplastics, instead of digesting them, and then the damaged cells clumped up in the brain’s vessels.
Some of that plastic spills onto waterways or beaches ... Some of it breaks down into tiny microplastics or nanoplastics that ...
For hungry sea turtles, it's nearly impossible to distinguish between jellyfish and floating plastic shopping bags. Fish eat thousands of tons of plastic a year, transferring it up the food chain to ...
For hungry sea turtles, it's nearly impossible to distinguish between jellyfish and floating plastic shopping bags. Fish eat thousands of tons of plastic a year, transferring it up the food chain to ...
It's estimated to contain more than 1.8 trillion pieces of floating plastic - the equivalent of 250 pieces of debris for every person on Earth. For the last six years, a nonprofit called The Ocean ...