At the Baylor Medicine Pituitary Center in Houston, Texas, we offer comprehensive and expert care for all pituitary-related disorders, including all tumors of the pituitary and sellar region.
The pituitary gland, often referred to as the ... another option that can be used to shrink the tumor or control its growth, ...
Macroprolactinoma is a type of pituitary tumor that leads to excess production of the hormone prolactin. This type of tumor is larger than a microprolactinoma but smaller than a giant prolactinoma.
Transient diabetes insipidus almost always begins within 24-48 h of surgery, and usually abates ... their nerve terminals in the posterior pituitary gland, which prevents AVP secretion.
also known as pituitary surgery for a pituitary tumor. The center also recently received an MRI machine for better imaging of the nervous system. Here is the center's recent news release about the ...