Fifty-one pilot whales have died after becoming stranded on a beach on the Chatham Islands off New Zealand. The mass stranding means more than 200 whales have died in separate incidents over the ...
A huge rescue mission to save some 270 pilot whales stranded off Tasmania's remote west coast is underway. Source: Tasmania Police 澳大利亚出现了有记录以来最严重的鲸鱼搁浅 ...
Nine pilot whales have become stranded at Farewell Spit, at the northern tip of Golden Bay in the South Island. New Zealand's Department of Conservation (DOC) was on-site on Tuesday and ...
“Sadly the remaining 12 pilot whales have been euthanized due to their condition deteriorating from the many hours they have spent stranded on the beach,” the BDMLR said in an update. It said ...
领航鲸鱼是否鲸鱼类? 根据澳洲《卫报》报道,今次搁浅的鲸鱼属于长鳍领航鲸(Long-finned pilot whale),新西兰梅西大学(Massey University)鲸类动物 ...
A pod of 10 pilot whales stranded in Golden Bay have been re-floated into deep water on Wednesday. The group of eleven whales were first stranded on Monday near Taupata Point, with one dying ...
Over 100 pilot whales have been saved after being stranded on Sri Lanka’s southwest coast. A combination of the country's navy and volunteers worked together on an overnight operation to push ...
President Donald Trump's nominee as Air Force Secretary, currently a top official at the national spy satellite agency, arranged a multibillion-dollar contract solicitation in a way that favored ...
More than 40 pilot whales have died after a mass stranding on a Western Isles beach. About 55 of the mammals washed onto Traigh Mhor beach at North Tolsta on the Isle of Lewis at about 07:00 on ...
Three whales have died, including one euthanised by the Department of Conservation (DOC), after a pod re-stranded in Golden Bay overnight. Thirty pilot whales remain stranded on Puponga Beach near ...
One of a group of 11 whales stranded in Golden Bay has died, but the remaining 10 have been re-floated, according to the Department of Conservation.
Volunteers, Department of Conservation staff, Project Jonah members and mana whenua will spend another day trying to keep stranded whales alive in Golden Bay. One of two pods of pilot whales ...