The Five Pillars of Islam are five duties that Muslims of all branches of Islam must follow. The Shahadah is the declaration of faith or the key statement of belief of Muslims. All Muslims know ...
It starts with a short introduction to Ameena and her family, which flows into Ameena telling her little brother Raheed about The 5 Pillars of Islam and why they are so important to Muslims ...
In his lecture titled “The Pillars of Islam, the Pillars of Success”, prominent scholar Sheikh Navaid Aziz of Canada’s Al Maghrib Institute, said the story of Islam is the story of success.
The annual Hajj pilgrimage is one of the Five Pillars of Islam, an essential act of worship that every capable Muslim is obligated to perform at least once in their lifetime. It is a journey of ...
In Islamic art, infinitely repeating patterns represent the unchanging laws of God. Muslims are expected to observe strict rules of behavior exactly as they were orginally set forth by Mohammad in the ...
the Islamic Republic of Iran’s foreign policy has revolved around two central objectives: the elimination of Israel and opposition to the United States. These twin pillars have shaped its ...
fasting and reflection in the Islamic faith. The month commemorates the first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and the annual month-long fast forms one of the five pillars of Islam.