Physical acoustics - Entering into the realm of physics, this specialty deals with the way sound travels through and reacts with media such as solids, liquids and gasses. Focusing on frequencies of ...
Physical modelling is one of the most fascinating techniques in the modern synthesist's arsenal. By using complex algorithms ...
A sound wave is a vibration that travels through a solid, liquid or gas such as the air or water. A loud sound has a large amplitude, a high pitched sound has a high frequency. Musicians and ...
Prior to 2003 a transatlantic trip from new york to london could be done in as little as 3 hours, compaired to today's fight ...
The principle is the same as the opera singer's trick, where a glass may shatter if the singer makes a high-pitched sound near to the glass. Ultrasound imaging creates a picture of something that ...
The film "What Is Sound?" from 1949 explores the concept of sound, explaining that sound is produced by vibrations of objects. It demonstrates various experiments showing how sounds are created and ...