Introduction to the physical principles underlying the electronic structure and the electronic and thermal properties of solids from macroscopic to nanometer dimensions. General quantum mechanics and ...
MAT_SCI 301-0 or equivalent or consent of instructor; GEN_ENG 205-4 or equivalent; PHYSICS 135-2, PHYSICS 135-3; MAT_SCI 351-1 is prerequisite for MAT_SCI 351-2 This is the second part of a two-course ...
and the limits of classical physics, introduction to special relativity. Pre-Req: PHYS 1440 Physics II with a 'C-' or higher, or Spring 2020 grade of 'P', Co-Req: PHYS 2610L The Physics of Materials & ...
Introduction to the fundamental physics of radiation therapy, with emphasis on external beam photon and electron therapy and on brachytherapy. For these modalities, the basic operation of delivery ...