物理学教授兰加·迪亚斯(Ranga Dias)已不在美国罗切斯特大学任职。他曾经声称发现了室温超导体,因此声名大噪,但后来被发现存在不当研究行为 ...
The president of the University of Rochester has recommended firing Ranga Dias, a star faculty member who claimed to have discovered a room-temperature superconductor, for research misconduct.
The physicist in question is none other than Ranga Dias, a researcher who in March 2023 claimed to have discovered a superconductor capable of working at room temperature. This scientific feat was ...
'It’s — how should I put it? — the product of Ike’s imagination from the title to the end,' a skeptical Eugene Gregoryanz says of Isaac Silvera's discovery This advertisement has not ...