Bengaluru, ISRO on Thursday released a "selfie" and images of the Earth and the Moon taken by the camera on-board Aditya-L1 solar mission spacecraft. "Aditya-L1, destined for the Sun-Earth L1 ...
On Thursday morning, Isro shared two photographs taken on 4 September by a camera mounted on Aditya-L1. One of the images shows the Earth and the Moon in one frame - while the Earth looms large ...
The Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT) aboard India's Aditya-L1 spacecraft has achieved a historic milestone by capturing the initial full-disk images ... weather and Earth's climate.
Here's the edited excerpt: During Aditya ... NASA images show We might miss the gravity capture by the L1 point, throwing us off the desired orbit. If we can't slow down properly, we risk ending ...
On Saturday, Aditya-L1 reached the ... gathering data and taking images. Just days after lift-off, Isro shared the first images sent by the mission - one showed the Earth and the Moon in one ...
Among these points, three teeter on the edge of instability - L1, L2, and L3 - aligned along the Sun-Earth axis. In contrast, the remaining two, L4 and L5, portray celestial stability as they ...
India's Aditya-L1 solar mission has achieved its first major result, providing data that could protect Earth's infrastructure from future solar activity. On July 16th, the mission's Visible ...
Aditya-L1 is stationed at a special point between Earth and the Sun, constantly monitoring our fiery neighbour. It used its ASPEX instrument to measure the fast solar wind, hot plasma, and ...
Launched on September 2, 2023, Aditya-L1 is positioned in a special orbit around a point in space called the first Sun-Earth Lagrange Point (L1), located about 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.