The telephone was justly regarded as an ingenious invention when it was first brought before the public, but it is destined to be entirely eclipsed by the new invention of the photograph.
Edison’s work in transmitting communication through the telegraph and telephone led to his first major invention: the phonograph. After investigating acoustic telegraphy and improvements to the ...
On December 7, 1877 Thomas Edison demonstrated his phonograph at the New York City offices of the nation's leading technical weekly publication, Scientific American. The following report set off ...
From the invention of the phonograph in 1877 to the boom in streaming services today, the music industry has had to constantly adapt to emerging technology. In this video, we explore whether music ...
Not only did he conceive of ideas as original as the phonograph and alkaline battery ... His mind was so rampant with invention that he became known as the "Wizard of Menlo Park," and his list ...
This invention had profound impacts on entertainment, communication, and technology. Edison’s phonograph used a needle to etch sound waves onto a rotating cylinder covered with tinfoil ...