Ahead, horticulturists explain how to propagate philodendron for an endless supply of plants. Philodendrons can ... transplant the cutting into a new pot with well-draining potting soil.
Selecting a pot that's just slightly larger than the current root ball is ideal. Repot your philodendron every 1-2 years. Start by gently removing the plant from its current pot and shaking off ...
All plants need some degree of sunlight ... Simply touch the dirt in your philodendron’s pot, and if you’re sensing that the top inch is dry, add a splash of water. You should make sure ...
About 50 years ago, my great-aunt gave me a philodendron ... stems to the pot. Once you see about five new leaves pinch out the center of the stem. You are going to remove the plant’s leader ...
Her true love though was growing and propagating African violets and gloxinias. It took me a lot of years before I even tried ...