主动检测是知晓感染状况、尽早治疗的关键;而一旦发生HIV暴露,及时进行暴露后预防(PEP)可有效降低HIV感染风险。 为方便广大群众快速获取艾滋 ...
£35 means we can empower more people living with HIV to challenge stigma with our information workshops, videos and broadcasts. PEP involves taking a 28-day course of anti-HIV drugs, after possible ...
£35 means we can empower more people living with HIV to challenge stigma with our information workshops, videos and broadcasts. Randomised studies of PEP have not been done, but experience suggests it ...
【星岛都市网】近日, 由公益视频号“悦尔像素”发布的纪录片《红丝带女孩:艾滋病到我为止》感动了无数观众。影片讲述了郭老师长期坚持办学,为HIV携带者的孩子们撑起一片人生的天空的感人经历。其中,翠翠的故事尤为令人动容——她的勇敢和执着给予人们力量和启迪 ...
Katrina Ortblad, ScD, MPH, Fred Hutch Cancer Center, collaborates with researchers from the Kenya Medical Research Institute ...
Mizoram's HIV prevalence rate of 2.73% highlights the urgent need for awareness, prevention, and early intervention.
Epidemiology research in NYU Langone’s Department of Psychiatry aims to increase understanding of populations’ mental and ...
and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). They don't treat HIV but are designed to limit risk in people who may be exposed to HIV. The FDA has not approved either therapeutic or preventive vaccines for ...
Patients in Washington D.C. and San Francisco had minimal early uptake and adherence to doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis (DoxyPEP) in studies presented at the Conference on Retroviruses and ...