IT之家 3 月 19 日消息,PCI-SIG 组织今天公布了 PCI Express 7.0 规范的 0.9 版草案,也是今年晚些时候发布前制定的最后一个草案,预计不会有进一步的功能变化。 PCIe 7.0 规范将于 2025 ...
近日,PCI-SIG组织正式揭露了革新的PCI Express 7.0规范的0.9版草案,标志着这一技术标准即将接近最终定稿。这份草案不仅仅是一次版本迭代,更是即将来临的技术盛宴的预热。预计在2025年末,这一重磅规范将正式与我们见面,届时其核心性能必将让人眼前一亮。
PCI Express 7.0规范预计将于2025年末正式面世,其核心性能指标令人瞩目。其中,传输速率实现了翻倍增长,达到了惊人的128 GT/s。在x16配置下,其双向带宽更是高达512 GB/s,这一数据相较于前代有了质的飞跃。
完整的 PCI Express 7.0 规范仍将按计划在今年晚些时候发布,而今天发布的是该规范的 0.9 版,作为计划中的最终草案。PCI-SIG 今天分享了 PCI Express 7.0 v0.9 规范,现在可供会员审查。PCI Express 7.0 的主要功能包括:- 通过 x16 配置提供 128 GT/s 原始比特率和高达 512 GB/s 的双向比特率- 利用 PAM4(4 级脉冲幅 ...
PCI Express (PCIe) was introduced in 2002 as "Third Generation I/O" (3GIO), and by the mid-2000s, motherboards had at least one PCIe slot for graphics. PCIe superseded PCI and PCI-X. Unlike its ...
PCI Express (PCIe) is an emerging protocol for IO devices connection that is being rapidly adopted by the industry. An increasing number of applications require PCI Express connection support. A ...
PCI Express (PCIe) has been around since 2003, and in that time it has managed to become the primary data interconnect for not only expansion cards, but also high-speed external devices.