The Prime Minister of India, has inaugurated a newreport on Green National Accounts for India. Dr. Manmohan Singh, thanked Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, Professorial Research Fellow of the University ...
The most commonly used measure of overall economic output is misleading and inaccurate, according to one of the world’s leading economists. Professor Sir Partha Dasgupta, from The University of ...
American University’s Stefanie Onder and the World Bank’s Diego Herrera discuss measures of a nation’s economic status that are more effective than GDP. Sir Partha Dasgupta likened this to a soccer ...
That’s one of the key messages from the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity which was published by the UK government on 2 February 2021. WWF welcomes the publication of this independent ...
Sir Partha Dasgupta likened this to a soccer team that only measures success as goals for and ignores goals against. Whether economic progress is sustainable can be measured by how real wealth per ...