Bruce Ireland is used to being called out to homes for his snake wrangling services, but his jaw dropped when he was asked to ...
One keen-eyed YouTube user clarified: "Beautiful Madagascar blue bar panther chameleon! He's stunning, not even fully grown! The fact that he didn't puff up or hiss when you put your hand in says ...
American wrangler Bruce Ireland was called to a Californian neighbourhood after a local resident spotted an unusual creature ...
As the distance between the crystals increases, the reflected colors shift from blue to green to yellow to orange to red—a kaleidoscopic display that’s common among some panther chameleons as ...
They seem pretty happy about it as well. Keeping with the theme of camouflage, chameleons like the panther chameleon are known for their ability to change colour rapidly. The panther chameleon is ...
An inspired comment from one viewer helped pinpoint the animal even more specifically: "Beautiful Madagascar blue bar panther chameleon! He's stunning, not even fully grown! The fact that he didn ...