That's a little short of the circa 140 PPI of a 32-inch 4K monitor. It's quite a ways off the 166 PPI of the new 4K 27-inch OLEDs we mentioned earlier today, too, obviously. But it's also a fair ...
The Alienware AW2725Q uses a QD-OLED panel with a 4K resolution, which is uncommon, although not unheard of for such a small monitor. As a result, you’ll find that the AW2725Q offers 166 pixels per ...
This 32-inch monitor greatly enlarges your viewable area without sacrificing the PPI you require. For many years, 27-inch displays with a 4K 3840×2160 resolution set the bar for creatives who ...
Today’s PPI report may ignite market volatility, shaping Fed rate expectations and impacting stocks, bonds, and gold as ...
Meanwhile, the Gigabyte MO27U2 is the world’s first 27-inch 4K QD-OLED monitor with a 240Hz refresh rate and 166 PPI pixel density. The AORUS FO27Q5P monitor is designed for eSports professionals and ...
TL;DR: MSI announces the MPG 272URX QD-OLED gaming monitor, featuring a 27-inch 4K 240Hz panel with a 166 PPI pixel density. It includes DisplayPort 2.1a for 80Gbps bandwidth, a 0.03ms response ...
45-inch OLED monitor with the same 5K2K resolution and 21:9 aspect ratio. This model has a 4-side Virtually Borderless design and 125 pixels per inch (PPI). There's one more. the 39GX90SA has a 39 ...
TL;DR: ASUS has introduced the ROG Swift PG27UCDM, a 26.5-inch 4K 240Hz QD-OLED gaming monitor with a 166 PPI pixel density. It features DisplayPort 2.1a, supports HDR10 and Dolby Vision ...