为探究 PCSK9 D374Y 对动脉粥样硬化(AS)的影响,新疆医科大学研究人员开展相关研究,发现其可加重 AS,过表达 PPARα 可缓解,为 AS 防治提供新方向。 心血管疾病如同隐藏在人体内部的 “定时炸弹”,时刻威胁着人们的生命健康。其中,动脉粥样硬化 ...
近期,武汉大学生命科学学院、泰康生命医学中心王琰课题组在Circulation(IF=35.5)发表题为“PCSK9 promotes LDLR degradation by preventing SNX17-mediated LDLR recycling”的研究论文,阐明了PCSK9促进LDL受体降解的作用机制,揭示了PCSK9药物抵抗的发生基础 我国心血管疾病患者 ...
[Robinson JG. Clinical Lipid Management;455a ] Monoclonal antibodies are large and complex proteins which are specific to their target; anti-PCSK9 mAbs are able to bind to the catalytic domain of ...
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) can achieve unparalleled affinity and specificity for a wide range of biomolecules, making the reagents critical to both basic and clinical research. The vast majority ...
AstraZeneca has reported the first clinical data with its oral PCSK9 inhibitor AZD0780, which it hopes could offer an alternative to current injectable drugs used to lower cholesterol. The new ...
AstraZeneca has taken the decision not to move a PCSK9-targeting antisense drug licensed from Ionis into a phase 3 programme, removing a competitor to Novartis' rival therapy Leqvio. Like Leqvio ...