研究人员针对年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD),用 CRISPR 技术在 ARPE-19 细胞中靶向相关 SNP,实现补体系统操控,为治疗提供新方向。
适合大量样本的特定或较少SNP位点检测。操作简便,只需一步 PCR 反应,无须进行纯化和预处理。 利用illumina公司独有的微珠芯片专利技术,高检出率,高成功率,高准确率,为目前最佳中高通量SNP分析解决方案,极高的性价比。平均下来单个反应费用低。
This allowed us to extend our examination of all four SNP types to four different sequence contexts. Each target region was then PCR amplified from genomic DNAs representing each known genotype ...
BHQ® Probe Master Mix is a versatile 2X PCR master mix specially designed to deliver optimal SNP genotyping results for high-throughput, ultra-low volume, endpoint probe-based SNP genotyping. BHQ ...
9). Comprehensive applications of the map clearly await an increase in parallelism of SNP genotyping using arrays or other strategies, elimination of the requirement for PCR amplification of each ...
These qualities make Scorpions Primers valuable tools for rapid, real-time PCR, endpoint PCR, SNP detection, and gene quantification.