His latest project is a 250lbf regeneratively cooled engine. It uses kerosene as the fuel, and liquid oxygen as the oxidizer. The neat thing is he utilizes the temperature change of the liquid ...
9th Logistic Readiness Squadron (LRS) fuels facility operators know how to stay safe, and clean in a dirty career. Working with liquid oxygen is vital for U-2 pilots and the mission. "Pilots rely ...
Volatile fuel particles from the liquid ignite when they make contact with oxygen and a flame source. Although it seems that simply removing the oxygen supply should kill the fire, this is not as ...
For nearly a year, SpaceX has been trying out something new: super-cooling the liquid oxygen (LOX) which is a key ingredient in rocket fuel. It's called deep-cryo LOX, and the idea has been around ...
Hydrogen peroxide, or H2O2, also offers promise in developing low-cost, nontoxic rocket fuels. The chemical differs from water only in that it contains two oxygen atoms. It is relatively easy to ...
Perhaps more promising in the long term is his team's recent development of a small device that converts sunlight, carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and formic acid, a liquid fuel that has a ...