Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speaking on Monday as the last session took place in the old Parliament building, emphasized the importance of moving forward while reflecting on the 75-year journey ...
New Delhi: The BJP-led NDA government is preparing a special joint session of Parliament on November 26 to honor the 75th ...
The Parliament House ... the new state-of-the-art building, India will, in many ways, turn a page. Historians and conservation architects describe the old edifice as a "repository of India's ...
Baker’s first plan was an equilateral ... as MPs bid farewell to old Parliament building Parliament Building was the first home of the Indian Supreme Court: The Chamber of Princes which was ...
Sept 18 - the first day of the session that ended Sept 22 - saw the last proceedings in the old Parliament building, before MPs moved to the new one. Singh was a member of Rajya Sabha for six ...