随着5G和未来6G通信技术的发展,太赫兹频段的研究逐渐受到重视。近日,电子科技大学的刘轲教授及其团队在《信息与电子工程前沿》期刊上发表了关于太赫兹MIMO-OFDM系统的研究。这项研究聚焦于在近场环境下,多目标的联合位置和速度估计,采用了张量分解技术 ...
The OFDM Baseband Processor is a custom baseband processor, which implements the physical layer of an OFDM, time division duplexing (TDD) system. The baseband processor includes both transmission and ...
OFDM is a multi-carrier system where data bits are encoded to multiple sub-carriers, while being sent simultaneously. This results in the optimal usage of bandwidth. A set of orthogonal sub-carriers ...