A DRACO ground test would need to capture plume exhaust fully to ensure no radioactive materials are released to the ...
Rumors have been floating around about a revolutionary egg-shaped nuclear reactor that can power a home for up to 10 years – ...
These shifts have been great for existing nuclear plants. We’re seeing efforts to boost their power output, extend the ...
Argonne National Laboratory is developing Gen-IV nuclear reactors, including sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs).
The energy department blueprint suggests adding at least one advanced nuclear reactor at Nine Mile Point in Oswego County.
Officials for the United States and Thailand on Tuesday signed an Agreement for Cooperation Concerning Peaceful Uses of ...
Monday, the company that took over the defunct Enron brand made unveiled its much-awaited "groundbreaking" product: the Enron ...
Deep Fission and Endeavour Energy partner to bury nuclear reactor a mile underground, powering data centers with clean, ...
Researchers from Skoltech and the Institute of High Temperature Electrochemistry of UB RAS have developed and tested a model ...
Enron, a company that has had a satirical resurrection, unveiled the "Enron Egg," a parody product, on Monday.
Eagle Mountain officials are considering a change that would allow power sources like small nuclear reactors to be built in ...
Acquisition immediately adds one of the highest technology readiness level advanced nuclear reactors in development and ...