If you’re confused by a turn of phrase in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” or a startling metaphor in Kafka’s “Metamorphosis,” just ask the book to explain itself, and it will.
Yet Heidegger’s insistence that The Will to Power is Nietzsche’s masterpiece makes him an anachronism who was unlikely to appreciate Montinari’s only book, The Will to Power Does Not Exist.
Friedrich Nietzsche quotes have lasting power. Even though the scholar and philosopher only lived to the age of 44, he left an impressive written legacy behind rife with musings and critiques.
German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche offers us a method that can help us navigate the highly polarizing discourse that’s afflicting democracies today. IDEAS shares lessons on healthy discourse from ...
Hobson identifies “The Philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, published in 1908,” as “the first book in English on the philosopher” (89). But Mencken took his title from Grace Neal Dolson’s Ph.D.