Due to go online in 2028, the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is designed to understand the evolution of “ghost particles” known as neutrinos and antineutrinos. While this could ...
In Sheffield, we study the way that neutrino flavours mix as the neutrinos travel from their birthplace, an effect known as neutrino oscillation. Uncharged, almost massless, and feeling only the weak ...
Throughout school and in any physics class, students are told that nothing travels faster than the speed of light. However, that statement might no longer be true because of the neutrino—the particle ...
Neutrinos are very weakly interacting, so in order to acquire a good neutrino data sample, you need both an intense neutrino source, to maximise the number of neutrinos, and a very large detector, to ...
Amidst this energy crossroads, the Neutrino Energy Group is pioneering a transformative approach that not only complements existing renewable systems but fills their critical gaps: neutrinovoltaic ...
But unexpected experimental results made physicists suspect there might be another neutrino flavor, called a sterile neutrino because it appears immune to three of the four known "forces." ...
But neutrino detectors can look for different signatures of proton decay, Bishai said. "We would have a chance of seeing them, if these grand unified theories are correct." There are currently ...