"The Bibi Files," directed by Alexis Bloom, is an extraordinary and essential documentary. It follows the corruption scandal that has engulfed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu like a ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempts to halt the distribution of the controversial documentary “The Bibi Files” have proven unsuccessful. The film, which delves into police ...
By Frank Scheck Critics of Benjamin Netanyahu will probably be disappointed to learn that there are no major revelations in The Bibi Files, Alexis Bloom’s documentary concerning the corruption ...
EXCLUSIVE: An explosive documentary investigating corruption allegations against Benjamin Netanyahu is about to reach U.S. theaters, despite the Israeli prime minister’s attempt to quash it.
says of her upcoming documentary The Bibi Files. The film features never-before-seen police interrogation tapes of Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu, his wife, Sara, their son Yair ...
Lupita Nyong’o has reportedly joined the cast of Christopher Nolan’s next film, according to... Check out this trailer for Standing on the Shoulders of Kitties ...