Lasers, LEDs and light sources are devices that create light. LEDs (light emitting diodes) convert an electrical current into light using spontaneous emission in optically active semiconductors.
If your plants exhibit these physical signs of not getting enough light, it may be because your grow light is too far away or ...
Lots of different sources produce light. Earth's main source of natural light is the Sun. At night, moonlight is created by the moon reflecting the Sun's light. This allows us to see at night ...
It’s common to see moths fluttering around porch lights and streetlamps on summer evenings. This behaviour, known as ...
A similar situation holds for light sources used in optical communications. In this case the sources are much smaller, but they also range from simple, inexpensive light-emitting diodes (LEDs) to ...
White light-emitting diodes (LEDs ... eventually becoming a uniform natural white (a colour temperature of 6,000 K) at drive currents of 20 mA and above.