The story centers on the life of the 16th century samurai Naoe Kanetsugu. Production began on April 27, 2007. The story is based on the novel Tenchijin by Masashi Hisaka and was adapted for screen ...
Assassin's Creed Shadows protagonist Naoe will be the 'fastest Assassin' in series history She'll also have a Naturo-esque run animation when traveling across rooftops The game is currently slated ...
Assassin's Creed Shadows' Naoe is "the fastest Assassin" in the storied franchise's history. That's according to creative director Jonathan Dumont, who told Entertainment Weekly that she will have ...
Naoe just might be the ultimate Assassin. Ubisoft has revealed new details on their upcoming ninja Assassin in Assassin’s Creed Shadows, Naoe. In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, creative ...
The gameplay trailer focuses on the differences between the two playable protagonists Yasuke and Naoe, as they go about freeing a small village from a tyrannical daimyo. Ubisoft’s new gameplay trailer ...
Yasuke--the samurai--is built like a brick house, armed to the teeth, and powerful. Conversely, Naoe--the shinobi--is made for stealth and speed. According to the game's developers, Naoe is so ...
The story of the special revolves around the Sanada brothers in their youth Nobuyuki and Yukimura swear to each other to protect the influential Sanada clan However thinking of how to best ...