The Nanny's beloved 146 episodes aired from 1993 to 1999, starring Drescher and earning 12 Emmy Award nominations over 6 seasons. The television show has been aired in over 90 countries and more ...
Nanny 911 is a reality television show in the United States, which originally aired on FOX. On February 27, 2008, FOX announced that they sold the rights to Nanny 911 to CMT. The show has also had ...
The Nanny is being developed into a Broadway musical, producers Brian Zeilinger and Scott Zeilinger have announced, to be based on the iconic Sony Pictures Television series created by Peter Marc ...
Though she has participated in reunions for The Nanny and appeared as a guest star in Fran’s short lived talk show The Fran Drescher Show, Lauren has since retired from television to work in the ...
Take Home Nanny is an hour long reality show. It originally aired on TLC. The show features professional nanny Emma Jenner whose basic approach instills manners, encourages boundaries and discipline.
There’s an existing subscription associated with your account that you purchased through a provider. Please contact your provider to manage your plan. These cookies ...
the extraordinary government nanny, shows up at her front door after the events of Nanny McPhee (2005). As Isabel's scheming brother-in-law, Phil, tries to talk her into selling her half of the ...