My Hero Academia is a beloved anime and manga, and it officially wrapped up its run with the final chapter on August 4, 2024. In the finale, a lot of important quests were completed and Deku was ...
With the sudden appearance of Quirks, the world of My Hero Academia quickly began filling with mighty and almost godly characters. Throughout the years, we have seen the enormous power that many ...
My Hero Academia Chapter 431 is set about a month after the events of Chapter 430, and with it reveals more of the future pro hero world that Deku and the other former Class 1-A students are now a ...
To help celebrate the release of My Hero Academia Volume 42 in Japan, Marvel took to social media to honor the occasion with the reveal of a great art swap between My Hero Academia series creator ...
My Hero Academia's new epilogue has revealed post-timeskip designs for almost every major character, finally ushering the cast of the series into adulthood. While the original ending provided a ...
Well, this is it: My Hero Academia season 8 is officially the final season. There had been early whispers before the conclusion of the most recent season, but now we have a more specific release ...