A mute swan typically has only one mate in its lifetime. Pairs usually don’t break up, often only seeking a new partner if their mate dies. Three Swan Species Live in North America Only three ...
the mute, Bewick's, black, and black-necked fill out the ranks. First described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758, Cygnus cygnus can be considered a swan among swans, the type species, hence archetype ...
This past December, mute swans in New York finally gained protection under legislation introduced by ... However, Governor Andrew Cuomo vetoed the legislation in both 2014 and 2015, claiming the DEC ...
Knowing where, when and for how long mallard ducks—natural carriers of avian influenza—stop and rest as they migrate can help ...
Knowing where, when and for how long mallard ducks -- natural carriers of avian influenza -- stop and rest as they migrate can help predict the probability that they will spread bird flu to backyard ...