The Stokes-Einstein equation is a fundamental relation in physics that describes the diffusion of spherical particles through a fluid with low Reynolds ... to address some of these limitations.
Example systems are a liquid flowing through a pipe or capillary, air moving across an aeroplane wing, and plasma motion in a ... numbers of microscopic particles. Now, fluid-like behaviour ...
It would, however, be remarkable if particles did not affect each other when falling through air as a cluster, as they do in other fluids 2.
For example, in spite of intense research in the field of relativistic hydrodynamics, a relativistic theory of the viscosity of fluids that ... the microscopic motion of particles (atoms or ...
Flows involving solid particles are used extensively in the chemical process industries, including areas such as petrochemicals, pollution control, powder technology, coal combustion, and ...
The movement and space between particles in a fluid affects the amount of pressure the fluid exerts. This means that the pressure in a fluid changes depending on its height, depth and temperature.
Computer scientists at the University of California San Diego have developed a method for generating highly realistic ...
Skoltech researchers created precise equations for particle aggregation in fluids, advancing science and technology.