In June, BritBox announced that a new series centered on the Mitford sisters had official entered production. Titled Outrageous, the series is being written by Sarah Williams, based on Mary S.
Fans of the Mitford novels, rejoice: Father Tim Kavanagh is back in town, after sojourns to Mississippi and Ireland with his wife Cynthia. Father Tim is wrestling with the existential challenge of ...
UKTV is bringing a six-part series to our screens that tells the scandalous story of the Mitford sisters, an aristocratic family that dominated the tabloids with their controversial antics.
Many of the sisters were influential novelists and journalists - and their lives inspired a host of films and TV series The Persuit of Love - Nancy Mitford (1945) Nancy's first big success as a ...
A series of comic misadventures followed as they evaded detection and ping-ponged around Europe, while Mitford learned how to cook an egg. Before too long they had become lovers who intended to ...