Over the centuries, the Christmas story has been re-cast and romanticized into a kind of Christian “mythology.” But what do ...
According to the Gospel of Luke, Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem from Nazareth during Mary’s pregnancy in order to be enrolled in a census in Joseph’s ancestral home. The census had been ordered ...
This means that Joseph has to go from Galilee south to Judea—from Nazareth to the root system of his family tree, Bethlehem—to register. Mary, in her very pregnant state, has to travel the rutted ...
An illustration shows Mary, Joseph and a donkey traveling in Chicago. Illustration by Thomas Frisbie Share Editor’s note: This might have been the most popular column Mike Royko wrote ...
Mary and Joseph, known as the parents of Jesus, are truly significant characters in religious history. However, their personal lives remain a relative mystery. While it is acknowledged in ...
It’s a good thing Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem and not Louisville. Had they come to Louisville looking for a place to stay on the night Mary went into labor and took refuge in an animal ...
Mary is visited by the angel Gabriel, who tells her she will bear the Son of God. Mary and Joseph travel to Bethlehem to take part in Herod's census, where Jesus is born.