Shankar, who is a popular Malayalam actor, was found dead in the hotel room by the staff after a noticing a foul smell coming ...
Reports state that Malayalam actor Dileep Shankar, known for his roles in films and television was found dead in ...
Voot, owned by Viacom 18, is another free platform that offers a good collection of Malayalam films. The app features movies ...
Malayalam TV actor Dileep Sankar was found dead in a Thiruvananthapuram hotel room on December 29. Staying there for his ...
The survivor also shed light on ongoing issues within the industry, including the widespread practice of "adjustments" on ...
Malayalam film and television actor Dileep Shankar has been found dead in the room of a hotel here, the police said on Sunday ...
Dileep was a familiar face in the Malayalam movie and TV circuit. He was known for roles in hit TV shows like Ammaariyathe, Sundari, and Panchagni. He has also acted in films like Chaappa Kurish ...