Neetu Kapoor and Mahesh Bhatt were recently spotted at Excel Entertainment's Mumbai office, showcasing their friendly bond. Mahesh Bhatt was captured protecting Neetu from an automatic door ...
Mahesh Bhatt was born in Bombay (now Mumbai). His father's name is Nanabhai Bhatt and mother's name is Shirin Mohammad Ali. Bhatt's father was a Gujarati Brahmin and his mother was a Gujarati Shia ...
Actor Vineet Kumar Singh, who made his debut with 'Pitaah' in 2002, recently discussed his struggles and the impact of privilege in the industry, using Alia Bhatt as an example.
Vineet Kumar Singh recollected shooting with Mahesh Bhatt when Alia was just a child ... It’s my luck that my father is a mathematician and my mother was a housewife.” He then recollected ...