Misconceived, mistaken, misguided - Macbeth Macduffed, you might say. This production is a dog's dinner of a mess, a farrago ...
Alex Austin as an amiable Macbeth seems an unlikely ambitious killer. Casual and relaxed, he even steps out of his role in ...
Nottingham Shakespeare Company has conjured the world of Macbeth with a tragic, rugged intensity that grips the audience from the first words to the final clash of swords. This is Shakespeare stripped ...
Read our review of Macbeth at Lyric Hammersmith, London. Richard Tywman directs an experimental staging with Alex Austin and ...
Did Macbeth really want to kill Duncan? The following evidence suggests Macbeth was acting of his own free will. His excuses show he does still really want the crown. He says he is enjoying the ...
The production checks off each convention you might think belongs to non-Jamie Lloyd contemporary theatre one after the other ...
Which one really affected Macbeth? She says it was his idea first. This is her opening line - simply pointing out he raised the idea first. She taunts Macbeth's masculinity - calling him a coward.
Scotland’s only landlocked region is often overlooked by tourists heading deeper into the Highlands, but is riven with ...
The Weird Sisters are stepping out from the wings. It's their turn to take centre stage, in La Boite Theatre's reimagining of ...
David Tennant and Cush Jumbo deliver a 'Macbeth' for the ages, but the curse of Shakespeare's tragedy isn't easy to avoid.