In the world of chemical biological defense research, new technologies are typically highly specific and developed in ...
Complex materials such as organic semiconductors or the microporous metal-organic frameworks known as MOFs are already being ...
为解决恶性肿瘤治疗难题,研究人员开展 Cu-MOFs 在抗肿瘤领域的研究。结果显示其在药物载体、治疗、成像及诊疗一体化方面潜力巨大。推荐科研读者阅读,助您了解前沿成果,启发相关研究新思路。 铜基金属有机框架在抗肿瘤领域的探索之旅 在医学的广阔 ...
纳米技术的发展,尤其是纳米药物的多模式协同治疗,为癌症治疗带来了新的希望。金属 - 有机框架(MOFs)作为一种新型的纳米材料,因其具有稳定的结构、可控的组成以及高效封装小分子药物的能力,在纳米医学领域备受关注。MOFs 可以由金属离子和有机配体 ...
本报烟台讯 近期,滨州医学院药学院精准医学团队以滨州医学院为第一署名单位和通讯作者单位,在国际权威期刊《Coordination Chemistry Reviews》上在线发表题为“Metal-organic frameworks(简称MOFs) based fluorescent sensing:Mechanisms and detection applications”的综述。滨州医学院药学院 ...
大小新闻客户端3月13日讯(YMG全媒体记者 徐峰 通讯员 常静)近日,滨州医学院药学院精准医学团队以滨州医学院为第一署名单位和通讯作者单位,在国际权威期刊《Coordination Chemistry Reviews》(中科院一区,2024年影响因子:20.3)杂志上在线发表题为“Metal-organic frameworks based fluorescent sensing: Mechan ...
近日,重庆市经济信息委公示了2024年49个重庆市中试平台名单,涪陵区的理工清科(重庆)先进材料研究院有限公司成功入选,成为新材料领域的一颗新星。这家企业的MOFs材料批量化制备中试平台,不仅展现了涪陵区在高新技术领域的实力,也为推动科技成果转化注入 ...
A novel porous material capable of separating deuterium (D2) from hydrogen (H2) at a temperature of 120 K (-153°C) has been ...
13 天
Tech Xplore on MSNScientists introduce c-MOFs in emerging SrZrS₃ chalcogenide perovskites for efficient ...A study led by Dr. Latha Marasamy, a research professor at the Autonomous University of Querétaro, Mexico, is setting the ...
Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a class of crystalline materials that consist of coordination bonds between transition-metal cations and multidentate organic linkers. The structure of MOFs is ...
Complex materials such as organic semiconductors or the microporous metal-organic frameworks known as MOFs are already being ...