大切诺基,这款曾风靡一时的SUV,如今在澳洲市场悄然谢幕。Jeep公司近期正式宣布,Grand Cherokee(大切诺基)将在澳洲市场退役,现有库存一旦售罄,将彻底离开。这样的变化令人感慨,它曾在2014年勇夺澳洲大型SUV销量冠军,甚至一度超越了丰田普拉多。时隔十年,如今却落得如此下场,实在让人难以置信。 大切诺基的“全能战士”形象让它在广大车迷中占有一席之地。自1992年问世以来,这款车就以 ...
That said, every SUV on this list is capable of achieving an estimated 33 mpg combined according to EPA estimates, a figure we think is pretty good for any modern SUV. What is combined fuel economy?
"The demand for SUVs is very high in Iceland at approximately 35% of new vehicle sales," said James Taylor, CEO AMP. "Our AMP Electric Mercedes ML SUV fits NLE and Iceland's needs perfectly.