在职场的浪潮中,星河控股集团香港分公司人力资源总监陈曦,凭借其卓越的专业能力和丰富的经验,早已在职业生涯中乘风破浪。然而,即便如此,她依然选择在2024年攻读香港城市大学的MBA项目,用实际行动诠释了学习与成长的无限可能。作为一名资深HR,陈曦的职业 ...
When you pursue an MBA with a Human Resources concentration at Willamette, you will set yourself up for success. Our program will prepare you for additional credentials, a variety of HR roles, and ...
While many MBA programs have electives for human resources learning, not many have specialized HR programs. Of the schools ranked on Fortune’s flagship list of the best MBA programs, this list ...