Parents frequently lie to their children. "No, you can't have any chocolate—it's all gone," when there's a jumbo bar of Dairy Milk in the cupboard. "No, you can't have my phone to watch YouTube ...
I’m uncertain if not telling my children that I fell down constitutes withholding necessary information — yet another permutation of lying — but I suspect it does. Why is it anyone’s business?
And this morning's hot button kids and lying. If you ask any parent they'll probably tell you every child does it but it turns out there may actually be an up side? An upside and kids who do it ...
when it happened. I pressed back “I’m fine,” essentially lying in the language Apple’s engineers have programmed as a response. I hobbled upstairs, hurriedly put the food away, laid down and went to ...
Here's a bit of advice to parents: don't lie to your kids. Yesterday we wrote a post on a PR stunt by Google to "track Santa" and pointed out that the whole thing is more than a bit silly ...
A report from First Things First notes that younger children often struggle with impulse control in stores, which can lead to unpredictable behavior. Experts say parents can prepare children before ...
Have you successfully lied or bent the rules to get your children into state school? Email us confidentially: [email protected]. One in four parents are lying to get their children into top state ...