Pulmonary angiography, specifically the computed tomographic version, is the gold standard for diagnosing lung embolism.
A multicenter study by the PIOPED III Investigators has shown that magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) can be used to detect pulmonary embolism. The proportion of technically inadequate images ...
It is our opinion, however, that no patient should undergo pulmonary embolectomy before the lesions have been demonstrated arteriographically. If necessary, the angiogram can be obtained in the ...
a normal baseline EKG and no clinical suspicion of alternative diagnoses such as pulmonary embolism, aortic dissection or pericarditis. The reference standard included angiography and clinical ...
CTPA is a crucial diagnostic tool for suspected PE, but its utilisation has nearly doubled in the past two decades, with ...
Pulmonary venous angiogram with the catheter in the RPA showing the anomalous scimitar vein draining from the right lung into the IVC and filling the RA.