Knowing a patient's symptoms helps radiologists in lumbar spine MRI interpretation and diagnosis, according to a study published today in Radiology, a journal of the Radiological Society of North ...
Otherwise, disk abnormality should be attributed to an automobile accident only if it is of a type not normally seen in the aging process, or if there is neural compression on MRI and appropriate ...
A 65-year-old man presented to the ED with 1 day of acute onset mid-thoracic and low back pain, difficulty ambulating and ...
NOCISCAN is the first SaaS platform of its kind to offer a noninvasive method for physicians to assess lumbar spine discs, leveraging cloud technology to process and analyze MRI data for this purpose.
Five neurosurgical centers recruited 203 participants for this study; 159 participants with intermittent neurogenic claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis at one or ... that patients with severe ...