Performing this movement works your: The bent-over barbell row is an excellent choice for those looking to boost hip ...
If you find you get discomfort in your lower back when you perform bent-over rows, then the seal row could be the alternative you need. By supporting your bodyweight on a weight bench your lower ...
Lift the dumbbell, keeping your hips low by tightening your glutes and obliques. Row the weight up to a parallel position relative to your torso, pause and squeeze the back, then lower back down.
Why it rocks: Having strong, mobile hamstrings (targeted here) shores up stability for the pelvis, preventing the low back from overworking to stabilize. How to: Stand with knees slightly bent and ...
Our lower back can often get put to the bottom of the pile when it comes to training, or worse, forgotten about altogether. It’s only once it's finally throbbing with pain that we decide to give ...