The Pentagon's Test Resource Management Center is considering sites in Australia, Alaska and New Mexico as possible overland ...
The United States has actively pursued the development of hypersonic weapons—maneuvering weapons that fly at speeds of at least Mach 5—as a part of its conventional prompt global strike ...
is the systems integrator for the army’s hypersonic weapon. Dubbed the “Dark Eagle,” it has a reported range of 2,780km (1,725 miles) and consists of a ground-launched missile equipped with ...
March 3, 2025: Taiwan is upgrading their Ching Tien 2,000 kilometer range supersonic missile to upgrade it into a hypersonic missile also called Ching Tien. Taiwan began producing this hypersonic ...
As Russia and China make advancements on hypersonic missiles, Canada has reactivated a test facility related to such weapons that hasn’t been in use for the past 20 years. The Department of ...
Latvia has strongly condemned Putin's war in Ukraine, and has been added to a list of all EU countries ... He said the Army should be equipped with hypersonic missiles and battalions of kamikaze ...